Friday, August 3, 2012

Big boy bed!

James made the transition to Big Boy Bed last night (really just his crib
made into a day bed with rails). I bought him a Jake and the Neverland Pirates bed set yesterday at the store and he was soooo excited about it, he kept wanting to lay down in the covers and saying "night night" over and over. Since he was so excited about it, I decided to try to transition him (which I wasn't planning on yet).

He did SO well last night! He got out of bed initially about 3 times and climbed back in, then curled up and went to sleep without a fuss. Same thing at nap time today. He loves turning out the light and then running to get in his bed and saying "night" while pretending to go to sleep.
I am so proud of my little boy, he is growing up so fast!

Here are a few pics of the process. :-)

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