Saturday, April 2, 2011

Springtime fun!

James is suddenly developing in leaps and bounds! He is lifting flaps in his peek-a-boo book, eating lots of different finger foods with his well-developed pincer grasp, and associating objects with words.

The words/phrases he knows best right now are water, more, all done, the end, turn the page, and eat. The way I know he understands is because he looks at the object when I say the word or responds to the phrase with an action (turning the page, squealing for more, etc). We also saw him do the sign for "more" (putting his fingers together) tonight, which is the second time he has done it.

I think he has put all his effort into fine motor skills instead of gross motor skills, because he still isn't crawling or pulling up to stand. BUT, he does get around the room by army crawling or rolling, so I'm not worried about it!

We've had a fun week this past week, concluding with a visit from Uncle Nathan and James's cousins Levi and Asher. It was hectic around the house with two 2 1/2 year-olds and a nine month-old, so we took all the boys to the local park. They had a blast! Here are some pics from that visit:

Levi and James played on the floor while Asher slept. Shortly after these pics, Levi decided he wanted the kitchen all to himself and turned it away from James. :-)

James and daddy played the piano together this week as well... James is so talented he could even play with his feet!

Here's a short video of their concert:

Today James had spaghetti for the first time!! He LOVED it!

We're not sure what caused this haha!

And then, after spaghetti, James had "dessert".

Also, today our friend Jodi came to visit and made James laugh a bit!

1 comment:

  1. Haha love the progression from smiling and eating to the pic of James with his head down and Eliot looking confused!
