Monday, February 7, 2011

Raising a reader

James loves to read with us. We read books before each naptime/bedtime as a way to settle him down to go to sleep, and he loves looking at all the pictures and touching all the books. Today I realized that when I say "Turn the page" and have the next page a little bit open, he reaches out and flips the page over! He even waits for me to say it (most of the time). I am so impressed that he has figured out the mechanics of a book... maybe he'll be a reader? I'm reading more these days too, even doing a book club with my mommy group. I have taken to reading again before bed and during our short breastfeeding sessions.... it's more peaceful than the TV and I figure it sets a good example!

James seems to favor touch and feel books (like the animal one Grandpa bought him for Christmas) or books with interactive things (like the In My Den and In My Tree books that Aunt Alison bought him). But he also loves Sandra Boynton board books, especially Hippos Go Berserk and Personal Penguin. I think he just loves sitting on our laps and hearing us talk/make noises. I hope to get him some more Christian books, bedtime books, and pirate books.

I also hope to take him to the library more for lapsit storytime when it doesn't fall at the same time as his nap. When I was there last Saturday I saw lots of parents with their kids and thought James would love it.

In other news, James is just starting to figure out how to get up on his knees once in awhile, but any time he tries to push forward with his feet he just goes backwards because his arms are stronger than his legs. It's cute to watch. :-) I've also heard him say some sounds that sometimes sound like words...."yeah" and "hi" seemed to be the most common. But I don't think he was really saying them, he just exclaims random syllables sometimes when he's chatty.

Oh, and James loves listening to and watching the birds in our back yard. I keep the feeder filled just so I can point out all the juncos, chickadees, and finches that stop by. :-)

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